“A Dream Never Reached”

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When the tomes of life are written,
And the ink is finally dry
When the ages of infinity
Like a flash have flown by
When forever is the now
And eternity’s at hand
And quietly we sit and
Listen to the angel’s band
Will we contemplate our lives
All the trophies that we won
Will it be of any value
The things we might of done?
Will the hopes we held one time,
Be remembered looking back
Will we feel any sadness
Or regret for what we lack…
In the company of our Savior
‘Mid  the promises he preached
I am sure there’ll be no mourning
For a dream never reached.
© 2016 Sandy lee (All rights reserved)
Wide Awake Dreaming
We start dreaming
When we are just children
We make wishes
We want whatever catches our eye
As we grow
Our dreams mature with us
For some of us
It seems that
A dream never reached fruition
That is so very sad
We all have many dreams
That we wake up to find were
Unable to come to pass
Than of course
There are the dreams that do come true
This old lady’s most fervent dream
Did finally come to pass
Being a mother was everything
But having a medical problem
Was supposed to stand in the way of this
But this dream would not die
And so it happened
Eventually two little girls
Were born who would
Call her Mommy
Now she cries tears
Of joy and thankfulness
Yes dear friends
Dreams really do come true.
Martha ©
I Always Dreamed
As little girl
I always dreamed
One day I would grow up
Marry and have
Little girls and boys
Of my own
I would be a Mommy
As a teen I still had
The same dream
That the perfect guy
Would come along
When I was grown
We would fall in love
Marry and have a family
By my mid twenties
I knew exactly what
Type of man
I prayed would be mine
And I would be his
We would have that love
That marriage
That family
My early thirties
We found each other
Fell in love
But then we found out
There would be no children
Even adoption would be a no
Even though
Being a Mommy was
A dream never reached
God knew best
Stella ©
Take Time To Live
A dreamed never reached is common
Why they are indeed dreams
Wanting to be the first person to set foot
On Mars or dancing with
Angelina  Jolie or Brad Pit
Some things would be so nice
But  will stay as dreams
As they may never be possible
Like dreams at night of
Flying without devices
Looking for the truth
This is it
Dreams are a way of letting
The  mind loose
And it is wonderful
That some dreams do
Indeed come true
Dreams that one can build on
To make a reality
Leaves one so satisfied
Self motivation we all can do
Fantasies all have their time and place
Of course never replacing that
Which is real
But have your fun
Doing and planning all
Should have set areas
In one’s life
Be a dreamer too
Like John Lennon said
“You aren’t the only one”
Dave ©
When Dreams Should Remain
If our dreams and aspirations
Are trivial and very achievable
Then these are not dreams but
Only midlife journey corrections.
If we reached our dreams of substance
Wouldn’t our prideful behavior
Help to elevate us to god status and
This would separate us
From our real Beloved?
I would rather have dreams which continue
To cause me to reach
Where I can celebrate the little victories
While my ultimate focus on
The beatific vision
Is maintained.
Keep the serenity prayer
Ever on my lips, as
A dream never reached
Is a celebration of
Maintaining focus
On the ultimate goal of
Getting my butt into heaven.
Robert Lanphar ©
Do You
Do you ever have
That feeling
There’s a dream
Never reached
Do you want to
Say to yourself
“One day, I’ll get there”
And realize that day
Never comes
I’m sure that we’ve all
Felt that way before
But each day
In a way
We reach a dream
To wake up
To have taken a breath
To see things new and old
All at the same time
That’s how I think
About it as I write
A dream never reached
Yes, we all have them
But we should say
Perhaps we won’t get there
But you know what
It’s kind of fun
Trying to reach it
In so many ways
Susan ©
 A Dream Never Reached
I wake each morning
Trying to remember
Trying to remember
Whatever I dreamed
That last night
Sometimes it comes to me
Sometimes strange
Sometimes fulfilling
Sometimes failing
Sometimes achieving
But Oh!, how much I’d like to
Have a dream of satisfaction
No matter for what
One I could remember
In its luring or comforting
No matter what its details
But Oh! again, I still long
For that unknown one,
One lost in the night:
A dream never reached!

A Dream Never Reached
When first we met I felt I had always known you
Your presence captivated me and changed my world
I think of you when I am alone, or when around and about others
I am with you throughout my endless sleepless nights
You are a part of my thoughts and dreams
and it all feels so real to me
You are he whom I have been searching for
You are he whom I have been dreaming of
I longingly wait to meet you again
to gaze upon your face
see the pleasure in your eyes as you smile and laugh.
Your love surrounds me as night draws near
and my heart surrenders
I am home with you in my hours of sleep
Never meeting you again may be a dream never reached
I think of you when the precious love-light
in your eyes illuminates my soul
setting it passionately on fire
with the beauty of your tenderness
and selfless love that remains with me
after my dreams has vanished into the Divine Omnipresence
The silence of your love reveals
knowledge and wisdom to my soul
unable to be found in the pages of a book
nor  spoken by the tongue
In the still of my life I embrace the silent reverie
that resounds in my memories throughout my days
Because of your love I live the understanding
that the mysteries of your knowledge and wisdom
speak to me only through the deliberate emptiness of my mind
the illumination of my heart daily
My life survives the pain of loneliness
since you became the dweller in the caverns of my heart!!!
A dream never reached.
Azurre Dawn ©

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

4 thoughts on ““A Dream Never Reached”

  1. ladycopperrose says:

    Excellent work everyone.

  2. palacepoetsblog says:

    wonderful work everyone

  3. wonderful work everyone

  4. susan says:

    well done everyone


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