“Filled My Heart With Joy”

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Filled My Heart With Joy
He had filled my heart with joy
Ever since we met
He has made me happy
We started off as good friends
When we started to date
I thought I would burst with joy
Because of how happy
He had made me
I thought he couldn’t
Make me any happier
Then he asked me
To be his wife
And I just couldn’t
Hold my joy in
He has filled my heart with joy
And I know I will have
A happy life with him
And I know I make him happy
Jet ©
It Means So Much
First time I saw
My newborn child
It filled my heart with joy
I was a father of a new life
As was my wife
A new baby boy
Such a great responsibility
But when it is a matter
Being your own
From the same blood and bone
You are attached
Not only by DNA
But by what it means to be
Human and to propagate
Yours and your wife’s lineage
Like your father and mother before you
The family facing the world together
Never alone
Beautiful and glorious daughters
Followed a few years later
It is more than just loving babies
The feel of the tiny hand
the sound and feel
Of the heart beating
Within mother
Maybe with a sonogram
If it’s a girl or a boy
You can see
You can always
Be proud of every lovely one
In your family tree
Dave ©
The Eye Of The Beholder
All you poets
Find an open mic reading
Go and listen to others
Just think of it
You are not alone
There are so many of us
We who love words
We who see
What is outside the box
What this old lady loves
Is when I see a couple of kids
Who are in love
Once I saw a couple
Mathew and Mia
They were so in love
That I asked if
I could take their picture
It filled my heart with joy
To have been able to share
Their love for each other
And their love for poetry.
Martha ©
The Joy Of Kristin
That June tenth
Long ago
I did not know a child
Could fill a heart so
Blue eyes
Blonde hair
First time I held you
I floated on air
You lived with us
When your family changed
Your parent’s marriage
No longer remained
I watched you crawl
I heard you talk
I laughed out loud
When you learned to walk
We colored, we played
We snacked and we napped
And suddenly you were grown
Just like that
Your now a young woman
A Mom and a wife
A doing so beautifully
Each day of your life
I look at your kids
A girl and two boys
To see all this
Filled my heart with joy
Stella ©
A Life of Joy
The decisive moment in photography
When a click of the shutter
Brings all the elements of the final print
Into sharp focus.
A true Ansel Adam’s celebration
Exercising the finishing move of
A successful team play…
The moment when muse and
My hundred voices in my head
Come together
To reasonably agree on the first line of
The poem
When I remember a dream
Sufficient to write it down
And let it inspire
When I solved a previously
Unsolvable outer space problem
When you greeted me at the front door
In your negligee
When there is great joy
In my ministry to the sick visits
When the bars of jail
Fade away with the shared love of
The Holy Spirit
At the births of my
Four children
When I was present to a friend
Who needed me in that moment
Playing a game, any game,  with
My grand kids
All of these
And a myriad of others have
Filled my heart with joy
Robert Lanphar ©
These Five Little Diamonds
There are no words
to match
The beauty of a diamond
Masculinity elegant
Meanings behind
Such a stone are angelic
An expression of love
So not for granted
This stone given with
Unconditional meanings
Without fear
To have and to hold
Sealed with this ring
I do thee wed
As years pass
Our love will always
Glisten with heart
Deep the meaning
Of a diamond
Shows life when worn
With love that is was
And is intended
Given honestly
A humble heart
Cheers with every beat
On your finger
Gives a meaning
No words could commit
A true heart
Never beats in silence
Behold these five stones
Elemental beauty and grace
These five little diamonds
So beautiful on your hand
From my heart that
Has searched high and low
For your arrival
Now wrapped around your finger
Five steps taken
A march down the aisle
Where promise is sealed
By an exchange of rings
And a life of joy
A day in time when
That full circle may
Become a little worn
Never tarnished
Like true love
These five little diamonds
With confidence
The choice we made today
In my heart will always be
Till death do we part
Eternity everlasting
You have filled my heart with joy
A joy I have never known
Joy that took the heartache
And tears away
With much gratitude
I have been blessed
To be found by you
The love you show me
When you wear
These five little diamonds
LourdMoon ©


About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

4 thoughts on ““Filled My Heart With Joy”

  1. ladycopperrose says:

    Beautiful work everyone !

  2. lilbob1947 says:

    Turly works of joy delivered expertly.

  3. palacepoetsblog says:

    Beautifully done

  4. Excellent work everyone

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