3 Out Of 6 Challenge February 25, 2016

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This weeks challenge: 
Poets were given SIX PHRASES. They were to choose THREE of them  to use in the BODY of their poem, not in the title They must be used EXACTLY AS GIVEN .
The PHRASES for this challenge are as follows……
” it begins with me”                           “tiny miracles”
“God’s precious love”                         “love shines a light”
“one small star”                                 “one day at a time”
Out Of Darkness Came An Angel
There are times in life
When tiny miracles
Can seem huge
Angels grant such miracles
Just when you think
You have had enough
Darkness will fade into
A miracle of an angel
Some don’t believe and
Have said that saying you
Have a guardian angel is nonsense.
My guardian angel loves me
He puts his arms around me
Telling me “All is well”
Love shines a light
There is no amount of darkness
That can hold back love
The real kind
For a long time
I found darkness to
Be my best friend
Then my angel appeared
And touched my heart.
Often looking up
Into night time skies
Every now and then
One small star winks at me
Guiding me through hard times
Praying for peace and happiness
In my life has been a chore
If not for that one small star
I’d have no hope at all
A twelve step program
I used to know
Left me in question
Not satisfied I found that
Twelve steps were not enough
Learning to take life
One day at a time
Gave me freedom
To think other thoughts
Where do I stand in the face of me?
Searching endlessly
Reaching for a love
That I could identify with
Brought this angel to me
My angel showed me
That there is no love greater
Than God’s precious love
That I found in my angel
My angel said that
“You can search the world over
Looking high and low
God is everywhere.”
I realized what
He was saying to me
It took me a life time
To realize that
It begins with me
And only me
In some cases
Prayer can be useless and
If people used
Their own common sense
There you will find your God
Life is not easy
For in each life
There is some darkness
Darkness that can be overcome
By believing in ones self
LourdMoon ©
(Phrases used..
“it begins with me” , “God’s precious Love”,
“one small star”, “tiny miracles”, “love shines a light”,
“one day at a time”)
Fragmented Psyche
It begins with me
When I was just a child
I had to live this life
One day at a time
I knew some important things
Before I was even in double digits
Living with an abusive drunk
Seeing the very ugly way
People who drink behave
I swore I would never touch
Poison alcohol
Tiny miracles led me
On into adulthood
Each realization
Was like a one small star
Leading me to the love I found
My love shines a light
Showing me the humane
Loving person I hope
I have become
If there is a God
God’s precious love
Kept me from becoming
A horrible drunken abuser
And healed my fragmented psyche
Thank You!
Martha ©
(Phrases used… it begins with me, one day at a time,
tiny miracles, one small star, love shines a light,
God’s precious love)
I Like To Take
I like to take my life
One day at a time
Perhaps love shines a light
On me
I don’t know
It’s one small step
One small star
If you like to say
It that way
I like to take my life
In tiny miracles
Yes that’s what life really is
When you see
What people make of it
The good and perhaps
Even the bad
But turn it all around
And make people smile instead
When someone says something bad
Say “Oh you don’t say” ,
And walk away
Ask them what’s bothering them instead
Why are they being evil
That’s no fun
I like being nice to people
To me that’s the real fun
So, when love shines a light
Return it with all the glory
That you can muster
Susan ©
(Phrases used…… love shines a light, tiny miracles,
one day at a time, one small star)
God Directions
I woke up this morning got my coffee,
Drove to the park, and
Started reading my Bible passages
For my Bible study class today.
Then a breeze stirred,
Shook the large trees causing
A rain of seedlings to fall down.
Many fell on the asphalt.
Some fell down on the grassy area with moist dirt.
And just so the proverb was played out
For me in front of my eyes.
I relish these tiny miracles as
God’s precious love reaches out
To guide me on my journey.
I walked over to the strong tree trunk
Observing the graffiti which
Was beginning to fade out.
God’s love shines a light of inspiration
As I reflected briefly on the importance of
The mark I would leave once I was gone.
But this is not as important as
What I choose to do today
Realizing it begins with me.
This only requires a faithful heart full of humility.
And this is acquired one day at a time
Turning away from self and through community
To follow God’s precious son Jesus’ way.
I am only one small star in the universe of
God’s greatness yielding light and warmth
To those I come in contact with.
Robert Lanphar ©
(Phrases used… it begins with me, tiny miracles.
God’s precious love, love shines a light,
one small star, one day at a time)
It Is Really About Love
It begins with me

Knowing that
Love shines a light
Although at first
One small star emits
Such little light
It can increase
It’s brightness ten fold
Yes, love is the brightest star
As the heart lovingly responds
To kindness and affection
Better not given in tiny doses
In giving love we should
All be quite bold
The difference in attitude
When it comes to love
Makes all the world
A better place to live
Do not be only
concerned with what
You receive from others
Know it is precious
With love to give
Dave ©
(Phrases used… it begins with me, love shines a light,
one small star)
Ambassador Of Love
The journey I take
It begins with me
Knowing I am sheltered
In God’s precious love
One small star
Twinkles back at me
As the tiny miracles of heaven
Fill the night sky
I have asked God to allow me
To be an ambassador for love
And in doing so
Love shines a light through me
This world needs to see
The undying love of God
And on my journey
That love will shine through me
I embrace each step
Each person I meet
Each challenge I face
I will live
One day at a time
As on my journey I go
Stella ©
(Phrases used.. It begins with me, God’s precious love,
one small star,  tiny miracles, love shines a light,
one day at a time)


About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

5 thoughts on “3 Out Of 6 Challenge February 25, 2016

  1. ladycopperrose says:

    Such beautiful poems poets!

  2. karinsuezen28 says:

    nicely done all


  3. lourdmoon says:

    It is amazing to see other poets work come alive on this blog. Three times a week we gather like a family, we share. Beautiful words that form beautiful poetry, Poetry Palace is essential for us to read and share one another’s work. Thank you all for sharing your poetry, without you there would be no beauty in life.

  4. Awesome work with the phrases poets

  5. palacepoetsblog says:

    As always everyones poem is a gem

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