“The World Is But A Canvas To The Imagination”


Beauty Exposed
During my life
I have organized my world according
To mathematics
Numbers and formulas
Attempting to make sense
Out of my being and
My world’s being.
Then I used words
To fill in the voids
Open up new vistas
Leave my own milepost markers
For others to examine and
Follow along until they felt comfortable
To branch out on their own.
Now I marvel at the universe
Still use my formulas to make some sense
But find poetry
Far more fulfilling
Able to leap over the chasms of
Unexplored details.
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
Where my formulas and poetry
Have been my paints and brushes
To expose beauty to
The discerning eye.
Robert Lanphar ©

“The world is but a canvas to the imagination”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Imagination is essential
Where would humanity be without it
So much we take for granted
Would not exist without it
Those drawings found in caves
First conceived within
The mind of prehistoric man
They could have only been made
After the imagination of the artist
Ruminated on how to do it
Then had the courage to try
Every accomplishment
Everything created by humans
First demand  that the
Creator of each had to
Have imagination working
Within his or her mind
Nothing human made
Would exist if not for imagination
Martha ©
Writer, Painter, Beauty
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
That is what we’d like to think
That anything can be used as a write
Write what you know
They always say but
I like to imagine
Maybe how life was
How it could be
A tranquility if one will
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
Come paint it with me
You add a word
And I’ll add a word
And we’ll make a story there
Paint a picture
Feel the texture of this
Close your eyes
Feel it
See it in your mind
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
I wish that was what I think
That I see beauty in everything
In all and nothing that there
Is something there
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
Take a picture from a transposed saying
If that’s how you might put it
Susan ©
A Canvas
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
They say as pretty as a picture
Every picture tells a story
Picture me as a submarine captain
A world is filled with so much and
Our minds photographically register it all
Time and time again
Our imagination sets in force
With all surrounding us
We make plans that can come to fruition
Nothing off limits
Knowing that our inner morality
Keeps it sane and clean
Using our intuition
Like castles in the sky
Imagined in our youth
Now we strive to make
Those castles real on earth
Not pictures or paintings
But reality so enriched
With dreams come true
Destined since our birth
Take my hand dear one
We will explore beyond the realm
Never before seen
Just you and me into the mystic
More than the signpost of imagination
But we together and
The wonderful sights we will see
Dave ©
Painting In Waiting
This chilly damp afternoon
I have traveled the world
Through beautiful book
Of colored photographs
I have saw beauty and wonders
That have caused me to gasp
And know to view them in person
Would take my breath away
The vastness and wonder
The colors, shapes and sights
Majestic and mysterious
From simple to grand
This tour of the world has awakened
My sleeping imagination
The world is but a canvas to the imagination
I know have been moved
My ideas have come alive
My canvas is ready
I have a painting in waiting
Stella ©

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

4 thoughts on ““The World Is But A Canvas To The Imagination”

  1. ladycopperrose says:

    Such enjoyable poems to read

  2. lilbob1947 says:

    good poems dancing with imagination and outwordly reach.

  3. palacepoetsblog says:

    awesome work everyone

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