The Approaching Winter
The Approaching Winter
Sweaters and mufflers
Heavy shirts and gloves
Chill in the wind
Creep in from above
Days get shorter
Look at somber skies
Dampness encroaches
Runny nose and eyes
Winter is approaching
Spreading it’s winds around
Showing all its splendor
As it streaks through the town
Children smile with glee
As the snow falls down
Forts and snowball fights
Winter sports abound
Lighting a fire
Warms you inside and out
Hot chocolate and cookies
Christmas stories read out loud
Presents wrapped in pretty paper
Children’s eyes aglow
As they look out the window
At the beauty of new fallen snow

Justin ©
Phrases used:
Somber skies, chill in the wind,
Lighting a fire
The Approaching Winter
There is a chill in the wind
The days are growing shorter
Winter approaches
The chill in the air
Means we will all be
Lighting a fire
The family will gather around
We will talk about
The somber skies
And reminisce about last summer
We will talk about Christmas
As we decorate our tree
Then we will hug each other
And say “I love you”.
Family is brought closer
Around a warm winter fire
Phrases used: chill in the wind, lighting a fire, somber skies
Martha ©
Here It Is December
Here it is December
More than just the holiday season
Soon somber skies
Will usher in another change
A change that brings cold beauty
Delicate snowflakes one day
Freezing rain maybe sleet
Or heavy wet snow
And a chill in the wind
The tree glows softly this late afternoon
Gifts and cards lay before me waiting to be prepared
Christmas music softly plays
I stare out the window for a few minutes
Then after lighting a fire I sigh
Here it is December
Change is on it’s way
Stella ©
( Phrases Used:somber skies, chill in the wind, lighting a fire)
Closing Skies of Winter
The bald sky
Where the ocean
Melds into the horizon
A perfect situation for
Campfire story time.
The Eagle Scouts took charge of
The preparation of the campfire
Especially in discussing with the new Scouts
The various forms of campfire and
Their relative merits:
Tepee, Lean-To, Cross-Ditch, Reflector, Star,
Cabin of Sticks, Pyramid, Platform, Split-Log.
Then of course the proper preparation:
Layer the tinder, then the Kindling, finally the firewood.
As necessary, use Green logs as a boundary.
Then the all-important starting of the fire
With a single match!!!!!
Our beach camp out could easily have succumbed
To the poor environmental situation
But with a willing spirit
There was an energetic sharing of
A never ending story about the
Warming campfire
With the single speaker Talking-Stick.
The chill in the wind was easily overcome
with the warming campfire and
the warming spirits of those attending and
anxiously listening. The fire was laid carefully
addressing the special situation of
the beach environment and to insure the success of
the lighting of the fire with a single match.
As the Scouting spirit was shared liberally
seven times about the campfire,
it was apparent that even the somber skies
could not quell the energy and camaraderie.
After singing a few Scouting songs and
Scout Vespers, the boys and adult leaders
retired to their tents with a feeling of
accomplishment and an attitude
that tomorrow will bring a new day of adventure
in this time of the approaching winter.
(Phrases sued.. somber skies, chill in the wind, lighting a fire)
Robert Lanphar ©
I looked at the somber skies
I was so far from home
I was feeling so alone
The sun wasn’t shining anymore
It was getting dark
In the woods I’d walk
And as I went I saw
Someone lighting a fire
What was I to do?
Approach him?
Just keep on walking
Ignoring the situation
There was a chill in the wind
It was beginning to be blinding
As the clouds were rolling in
And the snow beginning to fall
I looked at the somber skies
What shall I do
I’m so far from home
And feeling all alone
Should I join the stranger
In this forgotten place
Up on the mountain top
“Come here,” he said in a deep and
husky voice, “and warm yourself”
“But, I shouldn’t, ” I said timidly
“I should just keep on going”
“But you’ll catch a chill “,he replied
“I won’t bite, and if you wish
I will keep my distance
I will be a complete resistance”
I did as he asked
For I was really beginning to be cold
And I wanted to be bold and forthcoming
Not timid and meek to seek adventure
“You can sit closer to me,”
I said and I introduced myself
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Why are you wandering the woods” he asks
“My car stopped a bit back
And I don’t know where I am
So I started to wander”, I answered
“And this is where you ended up,” he said
I was beginning to think that this was
One of those Christmas movies
That this was Santa or some other magical being
Or was he my true destiny
I didn’t really know
“Well you’re at the right place
My cabin is just up there a bit
I got cold so I lit a fire
I was dire as you can see”
“Yes, I nodded to him
As I looked into his eyes of blue
It was like an angel with a halo
Smiling back at me
“You’re most welcome,” he said
As I watched him lighting another fire
And the chill in the wind was gone
And the somber skies began to clear
I knew that I had to get to know him better
But as I looked up he was gone
Just like he had appeared
And I got up and walked towards the cabin
That he had pointed out and went inside
To another magic but that’s a story for another time
Susan ©
.Phrases used in the body of poem..”somber skies”,
“lighting a fire”, “chill in the wind”
 Alone At Last
We decided to spend the weekend in  a
Remote mountain cabin far away from civilization
Time to spend alone
No worries, no stress, but a time for unbridled loving
A great realization
Thoughts only for and about each other
No worrying about feeding the cat or the goldfish
No need for fantasizing
We are here and we are real being
Alone and together our fondest wish
The tall trees surrounding us making her and I feel small
But the love in our hearts really showing
The latest soap opera or sports channel matters little now
Time for kissing, outside it’s snowing
The aura between two affable loving beings
Providing the warmth and nurturing desired
For two kindred souls
We care so much
As the hours melt away replaced by genuine affection
In real time moments enacted, not thought about
But experienced by touch
The air turning even more brisk
The atmosphere effected
By the snow and seen by the icicles on the pines
Preparing for all that our love inspires
The logs are located close to the fireplace
Convenient for the extra heat our bodies require
Due to the chill in the wind
Now is time for intense romance after lighting a fire
(Phrases used.. chill in the wind, lighting a fire)
Dave ©

“Arriving At One Point, Is The Starting Point Of Another”

Rail Road to Nowhere IIby

Here I stand
The journey has been long
The map not easy to read
Directions were often misunderstood
Some wrong turns
Occasions of totally being lost
Clueless as to where I was
And to where I was going
Times of adventure
Times of discouragement
Times when a revaluation of myself
Was in order and needed
But onward I pushed
Step by step
Mile by mile
Day after day
Year after year
Finally I have reached the destination
I long ago embarked upon
“Arriving at one point,
Is the starting point of another”
This time I am a seasoned traveler
With prayer and hope this course
Will be the best yet traveled
Stella ©
Arriving At One Point, Is The Starting Point Of Another
Years of misery
Seemed never ending
Married Mr. Oh So Wrong
Sent out of my comfort zone
Arrived at this point
Of no return
An ending?
Or a beginning?
Too steeped in the misery
To have any idea
Of what the future held
But what does one do?
One just keeps on
Keeping on
Did not understand that concept
Was too young back then
Now in retrospect
It is easy to see
The end from the beginning
This was finally the end
Arriving at this point
Was the starting point of another
This other was a new beginning
The beginning of a new life
A beautiful life
At last there was a future
And for the first time
That girl that I was
Was able to find happiness!
Martha ©
For Love Of All Children
We were all gathered on that street
The Hendersons , the Rosato brothers and Gustavio
Just to mention a few
All were together for a search for a missing child,
A uniting principle for each  soul, yes that’s me and you
The city blocks in the neighborhood
Where a coordinated search could be undertaken
Of up most importance not just because the child was
From our blocks but no child is unworthy or forsaken
Concerned, those helping were put in teams
Each for certain areas
No stone unturned
Arriving at one point,  is the starting point of another
In an effort like this
All waiting for the child’s return
The efforts of all made more than a difference
As every one guided by their protective hearts
Made sure that all came to a great conclusion
The child had fallen asleep in a vacant lot
Covered by tall grass hidden from view
Safe and found because of the communities’ real love infusion!
Dave ©
Hippy Hippy Shake
We chose to run –
Spring in our leap
be who we are!
Far out for fun!
Luv we could keep!
Nothing could mar!
Travels were far
hand linked in hand
two into one,
Light in a jar;
fireflies canned,
jugged in the sun –
Autumn is done.
We are at parting;
flinching from smother.
Arriving at one
point, is the starting
point of another.
Ody ©
Acrostic Phrase Challenge
ARRIVING safely to your new destination in life
AT a time when you feel your journey is all done
ONE bright and sunny day with a smile will
POINT to inner satisfaction at the fulfillment when it
IS truly only a new step that you will have to take in
THE journeys that will fill your life with happiness
STARTING new adventures each time you reach a new
POINT in your travels down new and different roads
OF interest as you change as you age as
ANOTHER day is renewed by the rising sun
Justin ©
A Prayer Pure
Arriving at one point is the starting point of another.
When the stress of the day
Just builds and builds
I put on drum circle rhythms
To accompany my journey of
As I wait for my chakras
To align
Then sing out
Signaling my chorus of voices
To join in
Then as the peace envelopes
Becoming defeating
I am tuned in
This God moment
This circle
This Lissajous figure
Where arriving at one point
Is the starting point for another
As the beloved sings.
Pa Ta go da Pa Ta Gun Dun
Pa Ta go da Pa Ta Gun Dun
Pa Ta go da Pa Ta Gun Dun
Robert Lanphar ©
Arriving At One Point , Is The Starting Point Of Another.”
I’m here, now what do I start
Where do I dig in
There’s so much to do
Arriving at one point, is the starting point of another
Oh yes, that should be a motto
Because your work is never done
You never know where to begin when you’ve arrived
Arriving at one point , is the starting point of another.”
You can turn around and leave
But hey what’s the fun in that
It doesn’t get you scat
just more of a scatterbrain
then being on the ongoing train
Arriving at one point , is the starting point of another.”
But don’t let too many cooks spoil the broth
So to speak
But yet let them take their own peek
At what’s to be done and maybe just maybe
Coming to a conclusion
Can get you un convoluted and start to execute
What’s being speculated
Arriving at one point , is the starting point of another.”
Where there’s hope there’s a job to be done
And when all the efforts are exhausted
You can finally say I’m there,and I’m really fine.
Susan ©
Arriving At One Point Is The Starting Point Of Another
When I began my career I often wondered
What would my life be like dealing with those I had to deal with
It wasn’t  an easy choice I made but a necessary one
If I wanted to help people in need as I wanted to do
As the years flew by I learned that each corner held something new
And nothing was as I expected it to be
Arriving at one point is the starting point of another
I soon found out and in some ways happily
So when I have a very bad day and see so much unhappiness
I try to envision a new and bright tomorrow  with happiness
And smiles and not sorrow
Kathy Lynn ©
Starts easy and slowly
My unwritten heart
There you write my first page.
Progressing harder and slower
My wanting heart
Many pages now.
Keep us hidden
Don’t  tell anyone
My hurting heart scribbled on.
Was I to ugly ?
Was I to dumb?
For you was so easy
My heart feeling numb.
Ending easy
But slowly
My heart open again.
Now I see
Arriving at one point,is the starting point of another
For me
But approached with a wiser heart.
Lindsey ©
The Merry-Go-Round, offering a cheerful and musical ride…
The Revolving Door, forever the crushing enemy of my umbrella.
The Ferris Wheel, guaranteed to supply pleasant visuals and maybe an uneasy stomach.
The Mobius Band, ending and beginning with a single sided view.
This singular place in space as another annual solar cycle is completed.
A long term relationship dissolves, as another only begins.
A long, fulfilled life ends just as a birth is given.
Conception, reception, assumption, resumption, disruption, perception, and finally conscription and redemption.
All things, all beings, all time belong to a continuous circle.
“Arriving at One Point , is the starting point of another.”
Old Poet 01
Bonus  Poems
The Christmas Wish
A young boy that lived with a secret wish in his heart
Part of his day he would daydream of all the different possibilities
Responsibilities and caring that would fill his lonely life with loving
Shoving all unhappiness away and bring a heart full of joy to his world
Swirled around in his head as Christmas day finally approached
Coached by the nuns that ran the orphanage he was told to be good
Should someone come to them to take a young boy home for the day
Pray and maybe you will be asked to spend Christmas and join in the fun
Run into your room and dress in your nicest clothes you can find
Time for all the boys to be filled with happiness and to smile
While they fill their hearts with memories they will never forget
Let this holiday season be one that will turn out to be the best
Yet he hoped in his heart to be granted his secret wish on that day
Play in the snow and slide down the big hill in the glen
Send the sound of his laughter and joy over the land
Again and again as he laughed and smiled in the cold
Told that he was the nicest boy he set himself for the task
Asked that this day with them would not be his last
Care and love he saw in their eyes as they held him close
The couple decided to make his secret wish come true.
Janice Marie ©
(Rime Enchairee)
The Sleigh Ride
Seasons change as hearts agree
till winter’s song and leafless tree
and riding on the coldest winds
are crystals Spring too soon rescinds-
a haunting sweetness and starkest glow
chills the spirit but warms the soul-
echoes return and reminisce
from those once here
that now we miss.
How mirrored face of frozen lake
where children laugh and skate
presumes in subdued inference
such memories awake.
Snow and ice form sweet parfait
of Christmas past that fade away
and yet restores what once was lost
of telling tales in reflective frost-
some resign and others thrive
in times remorse and then alive-
The tears and joy reveal the same
of love recalled
in dreams again.
Winter come and warms the day
as none can woo those gone away
with tears I’ll laugh and garner joy
astride the seasons sleigh.

At the Touch Of Love, Everyone Becomes A Poet

“At The Touch OF Love, Everyone Becomes A Poet”
At the thought of passion, each becomes a lover,
The thought of new sunrises, everyone an adventurer,
The scent of an happy kitchen, all become a chef,
And at losses of those close, we become a comfort.
The roles we play and emotions we feel
Direct so many responses of the moment
But without fail, and without choice
 “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.”
OldPoet01 ©
Touch of Love
There are no words to show you
How my heart feels when in your embrace
When you kiss my lips and hold me tight
How I feel when you are out of sight
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet
We open our hearts and souls to let our feelings show
As we try with pen and ink in hand
To write the words of love to let you know
That there is no other in that can take your place
No other kiss that has your special lingering taste
When day is done and settles into the night
All I can think of is coming home
And into your arms and holding you tight
Kathy Lynn ©
One Touch From You
One touch from you
And a symphony began to play
Melodies and lyrics floated to heaven
Angels began to sing
The painter’s palette came to life
With colors that breathed
Each brush stroke became a masterpiece
My life became more beautiful
Butterflies had wings of gossamer
Rose buds became delicate glass
My eyes sparkled with diamond dust
Millions of I love you’s formed on my lips
One touch from you
Opened a different me
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet
You touched me
And the words for poetry were born
Stella ©
At The Touch Of Love, Everyone Becomes  A Poet
We write
We speak
What is love really
Is it soft
Is it sweet
Is it nasty
Is it demeaning
Poets have pondered the question
Since writing began
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
We want to shout
We want to tell the world, and
Those we love just how we feel
Be it good or bad
Happy or sad
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
Soft and lilting
Singing perhaps
A note here, a note there
Isn’t that what it’s all about
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
We go on and on,
What to speak, what to say
Perhaps getting it wrong
But, in the poetry
We like to say we’re strong
That we don’t know what to say
In real words
So  we send pictures to help us
Get it out there
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
We want to shout
We want to tell the world and

Those we love just how we feel
Susan  ©
At The Touch Of Love, Everyone Becomes A Poet
That first night
All we did was talk
Three days later
We ran into each other again
We talked some more
Before the evening ended
We were in love
The next time we saw each other
We touched
Passion was sparked
But we were from different worlds
We each went home
And we wrote letters
Hundreds of letters
A spark of fire ignited
All those words
Two years worth of words
That spoke of love and passion
At the touch of love
Everyone becomes a poet
And so it was with the two of us
And It never left
I am still writing about him.
Martha ©
My Golden Lab / Retriever
My Golden Lab / Retriever greets me
At the front door with a long guttural grrrowl and
A kneel down on all fours
With head raised
Looking expectantly for a reassuring pat
My golden Lab / Retriever then follows me
About the house until I settle down
In my man-cave and
My Golden Lab / Retriever wraps up in a ball
At my feet.
Freckles has inspired me to greatness
As I sat at my computer with a blank screen…
Freckles has been a sounding board
For my newly crafted poetry…
My Golden Lab / Retriever has demonstrated that
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.
Robert Lanphar ©
My Love
When I look up at the stars at night
My heart feels so carefree and light
I gaze at the bright sparkling stars in the sky
And I remember all the love
I see shining in your eyes
Warmth enters my heart and soul
When I hold you in my embrace
Whenever I think of you and your kiss
And the sweet taste of your lips
At the touch of love,
Everyone becomes a poet
My mind turns to verse
Without me even knowing it
You make my heart go pitter pat
My soul fills to over flowing
As I tenderly make love to you
I can feel each day my love for you growing
I take pen in hand and smile
For words of love are circling in my mind
With thoughts of time spent with you
Moments I will treasure for all time
Justin ©
Love Shown

At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
Except the great poet, the one who was the poet laureate
His words were seemingly sent from above and so full of love
Inspiring lovers from all walks of life and were so great
Words of love that made all those that read his poetry want
To embrace the one they love, to hug and kiss them so much
Words that exemplified the true meaning of loving and being loved
That very place where the warmth felt in a heart’s touch
When the poet himself fell in love, his words were like amateurish
Scribbling’s of very young children or one who could hardly write
As much as he tried it was to no avail
The words for others came freely but for him it was a shock
A writer’s block, as much as he tried with all his might
With his own love he decided to leave the words to others
Show his lady love his tender emotions with hugs and kisses
She never questioned his not writing words of love for her
She was content with all the love shown
She didn’t want Shakespeare
She knew his loving was not to be missed
Dave © 
At The Touch Of
At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.
so know it, and do it!
Send out your love for all time,
in rhyme!