Sights And Sounds Of Winter

Sights And Sounds Of Winter

Sights and Sounds of Winter
Clouds and fog and tired leaves
out my door the sky is chill
children playing hunch in coats
covered ears and voices shrill.
Cold has stolen all the flowers
grass has given up the fight
gone to ground to hibernate
dismal brown and sad its plight.
Winter rests the weary land
soon enough the bulbs will burst
through the rest of winters night
vivid growth and life a thirst.
Ody ©
Sights And Sounds Of  Winter
Oh how difficult to live
Through a So Cal winter
Darkness coming do early
And most years (but not this year)
Rain, rain, rain,
Tapping on the window
And oh my, the cold
The temp can fall to 50 or even 40
But it is holiday time
First comes Thanksgiving
And we all
Have much to be thankful for
Then comes the music
All those beautiful Noels
The music of Christmas
Starts playing
Every where we go
Christmas decorations
In stores, on houses
Even wreaths on cars
The sights and sounds of winter
Are the sights and sounds of Christmas
And where the snow falls
The sounds of snow plows
Clearing all that beautiful snow
So working folks can get to work
In order to give their loved ones
A beautiful Merry Christmas
Or Chanukah
Or Kwanzaa
What ever you celebrate
Have a wonderful Holiday
Martha ©
 Winter Wonderland
Snow came down in buckets for days
Covering everything in glistening white
Sparkling and shining in the bright sunlight
The trees all dressed in their white overcoats
Lovely and untouched by human beings
Snow covered lights glistened in the dark
As we walked slowly in the neighborhood park
Not a sound could you hear as you moved along
Not any animals playing nor birds singing their songs
But the view from the hilltop was amazing to see
Everything looked beautiful and so very clean
Nothing had tarnished this snowy night
Everything was covered in a carpet of white
The animals in the park found shelter from the storm
As the snow gently fell all night long
In the forest they gathered together to keep warm
Birds huddled in the pine trees
Everything would be quiet until the dawn
Then all the children would come out to play
Smiles on their faces and joy in their laughter
Winter it seems is here to stay
Oh the sights and sounds of  winter
Kathy Lynn ©
Winter Comes
Sleds and horse drawn sleighs
Children’s laughter fill the day
Snowballs and snowmen
Winter’s here the fun begins
Bright white, crispy and cold
Oh the beauty of winter’s snow
Frozen ponds to skate upon
Play and play until the day is gone
Inside they set by roaring fire
Hot chocolate  and cookies they devour
Later tucked in their nice warm bed
Their day of play still in their heads
The sights and sounds of winter come
Giving beauty, bringing fun
Stella ©
Winter Lessons
I remember the Indiana boy
Now man
Teaching us to make ice caves
Where I was brave enough to sleep in
sleeping bag which was too hot
As I comfortably lay on top
In my skivvies.
The time we went backpacking
With snow shoes
Our trek cut short
A scant four miles in
As one of my assistant Scoutmasters
Came down with heart problems
We made a backwoods sled
And slid him down the path
To the ranger station
Where a helicopter was waiting.
The time we went ice fishing
Where the catch of the day
Was all of the tall tales
And steaming mugs of hot apple cider.
The backpacking trips into the mountains
Where the sun went down
Below the ridge line about PM and
We were forced into our tents
Because it was cold and
Because it was posted no campfires
Wrestling with winter thoughts
to Coalesce into snippets
Worthy of journaling
By head lamp
As the sounds of the forest
Closed in.
Many objectives are carried
In a Scoutmaster heavy winter backpack
The joy of reaching the summit
Of seeing the world class athlete Scouts
Leading the campfire program
Leading the Scout’s Own Sunday ceremony
But, most importantly making sure
Michael made it to the top of the hill first
As they become special friends to our
Special needs Scout.
Yes this city boy made great efforts
To escape where the
Sights and sounds of winter
Became a comfort
Ultimately a model to share
With the Scouts.
Robert Lanphar ©
Beautiful Chicago Winter
Traffic jams, slippery streets. snowball fights in Lincoln Park
gently the snow falls, another day in the City.
Charcoal for the eyes a carrot for his nose raisons
for a mouth, a top hat for this snowman.
Ambulances drive carefully through city streets
careful not to slide on sheets of ice, winter can be dangerous.
Ice skates, snow slides children having fun,
turkeys, mincemeat pie, hot buttered rum, time for holiday.
Carolers practicing at a local church, holiday candy
meals delivered for the poor, Chicago giving away food baskets.
Snow plows working over times clearing city streets
time for Santa and his reindeer, gifts for children.
Celebrations far and wide, grandmother baking in the kitchen
mistletoe being hung by Dad and grandpa, smiles all around.
Soon a baby born in a manger, three wise men
the smell of frankincense and myrrh, Christmas time.
Holiday cards filling the post, packages, boxes and more
a time for giving a time for joy, fireplaces burning, the smell of cedar.
The sights and sounds of winter, excitement around everywhere
a time for love, a time for peace, family and friends gather
LourdMoon © November 20, 2014
Winter All Over The World
The sights and sounds of winter vary all over
The world and the temperatures vary as well
Snow covers the ground for the Scandinavian winter
Where St. Nicholas comes from with his white beard and red suit you can tell
In Jamaica the palm trees are decorated during the Christmas winter
Even the coconuts get their own colored lights of red blue and green
The United States from coast to coast winter has a different look
The northern states have more snow than the west
Where you have to go to high elevations for any snow to be seen
The states with deserts mostly have no snow or it is a rarity
During the Christmas holiday cactuses are decorated
One has to be careful retrieving gifts from under them
And snow men are not made of snow but sand
For children living in the South Seas
Santa arrives in an outrigger canoe
Often accompanied by twelve dolphins
Whose names are Tiki, Tavi, Ravi and more
Bringing Sugar cane candy and coconut milk
The things the children know, love and understand
And of course children that live in the snow
Do love snow ball fights, toboggans sleighs
And hot chocolate to warm up after caroling
And they have to do chores of shoveling
Snow from the sidewalks and driveways
Those living where snow is prevalent
Do have a White Christmas
They think better or that  is what is some say
Dave ©
The sun is shining and I blink
As I look
But it is really too cold
The rain is turning into snow
And there is ice everywhere around
As the dew quickly turns into frost
Painting pictures on my windowsill
The people are all bundled
Are you someone I know
I am being asked as I rush
Around my neighborhood trying to keep warm
Trees and lights are being strung quickly before
The chill gets too bad
Sights and sounds of winter
They’ve come too fast this year
It’s really unwelcome
Yes, there’s beauty to be found
But I’m  just not ready for another year
Susan  ©
Winter’s Sites And Sounds
Children laughing, jumping and running around
Spirits light and joyous as we listen to their sounds
As they play in the new fallen snow
I think of fun times from a long time ago
Sleds taken out and cleaned and ready to go
Climb the highest hill and slide down in the snow
One after the other they join in the fun
Moms and dads stand enjoying the show
Out in the distance the land looks so serene
Brightly shining and beautifully clean
Nothing mares this pristine look
As the water flows down in the brook
Winter is here and all its beauty can be seen
Like looking at wonderland in a beautiful dream
Bring out the scarves , gloves and coats of wool
As you feel the cold caused by the snow
The sights and sounds of winter
Justin ©
Sights and Sounds Of Winter
The leafless bare trees
The cold wind biting at me.
The thermometer at ten degrees
The icicles dripping from the trees.
Snow flakes falling down
Watching them cover the ground.
Snow sparkling like diamonds.
Crunching as I walk along.
The birds lined up at my feeder
While they chirp and sing songs.
Snowmen being made
While children laugh and play.
Christmas decorations and lights
On a cool crisp starry night.
Decorating the tree
Christmas music for me.
Turkey on the table
As we talk about past days.
These are a few of the sights
And these are a few of the sounds
Sights and sounds of winter
The things I hear and see
Lindsey ©                                   
Bonus Poem
Hopeless Romantic
The small amount of skin
That hangs from the
underside of your arm
Is cold
And smooth as silk.
As I run my fingers along it
You wake and tell me
Not to be such a romantic fool;
That I wear love so
Heavy in my heart
And it really is rather
Before rolling over and
drifting off again
With the most silent of sighs,
And the smallest of smiles
Still hanging from your lips.
Paris ©

Only For The Peace And Solitude

Only For Peace And Solitude
Take me away
We need alone time
We can hold each other
Turn our phones off
Just us loving each other
You can kiss me
 I will whisper how much I love you
We can share our words
Our thoughts
Our bodies
Let us go away for at least a day
It’s only for the peace and solitude.
 Martha Stothard ©

The Cove
If I could go there every day
To the cove I would go
In every season
In all the weather even snow
Tucked between towering mountains
Rolling fields and tiny streams
A place lost in yesterday
Time has stood still it seems
I go there not only for the peace and solitude
But the beauty that I see
Bear, turkey and deer
Roaming and running free
The newness of spring
The color of fall
The cold blast of winter, summer heat
I can see them all
A beautiful escape from
The world we live in
Yes, I could go there
Again and again and again
Stella ©
From the Din, Quiet
We are an addictive people
attaching ourselves to
the secular noise, excitement
mostly to feed our egos
falling prey to the next high
and the next…
Then there is a peace beyond peace
a briefest encounter
a gentle nudge
a slight breeze on our cheek
out of the din of
secular mayhem
a call to our inner most self
“if only for the peace and solitude”
a resounding echo builds
bridging us ever closer
and closer to the Beloved.
Robert Lanphar ©
Only For Peace And Solitude
Only for the peace and solitude
Did I once want to go to the cottage
Every summer when school was done
We’d see friends that weren’t seen throughout the year
It was a memory of mine that I still wish was true
Only for the peace and solitude
Did I sit with my grandfather
Eating stuff I’d pick from the garden
The flowers that I’d walk around and see
No paved roads were there yet
Only for the peace and solitude
Did I go for a walk at night
Proudly riding on his shoulders
Perhaps a swish was done
As we’d try to chase away the flies
Only for the peace and solitude
It came every year
Only at the time I didn’t’ realize
That it wouldn’t go on forever
Nor realize  that it was this all along
Only for the peace and solitude
Did we sit on the front porch
Or did I go visiting with him
Yes, memories that I will forever hold dear
At the cottage of my youth
Susan ©
Our Heroes
Only for the peace and solitude of Batman and Superman,
Who spend their days and nights in the service to mankind
Whether helping retrieve a stolen purse  from the bad guys
To give to the nice little old lady or stopping an earthquake
Their services are greatly admired
To you I will remind
Superman flying high above the earth to stop an oncoming meteor
Or Batman throttling the evil Joker
Not to mention the Penguin!
And who disguised as a mild mannered Metropolis reporter
Earth’s pal  Kal El, or Bruce Wayne
A multi-millionaire Gotham crime fighter,
Their exploits are so many
Where do I began?
Even these Titans deserve some time off  in-between lulls of
Major crime happenings and crime sprees
Why Superman needs to relax in his Fortress of Solitude
While Batman needs time In his Bat Cave
Till the next time for the
Good guys to save, that means you and me!
Dave ©
The Cabin
Memories of a time
When I was very small
Of a cabin in the woods
Surrounded by the beauty of fall
Each year we traveled there to see
The magnificent colors in the hills and valleys
Reds, yellow, brown and orange leaves
Floated down to the ground and landed softly
Only for the peace and solitude did I come
Watching in the morning for the rising sun
Listening to the babbling brook as it rambled along
Swirling through the rocks its melodious song
Peaceful and serene I would sit all alone
No television and no telephone
Just the sound of nature as the day slipped into night
Bringing the stars and moon into sight
A crisp wind would chill the night air
The fireplace lit and warm…I didn’t care
This was my place to come and forget
All of my problems from the past
Busy Day
Buzz of the alarm clock wakes me up
Today’s  a busy day.
Shower and dress, comb my hair
Devour my English  muffin and O J.
Grab the keys
Jump in my truck
My job’s only five minutes away.
With seventeen kids
Running around
No time for me to slow down.
Time to go home
Change my clothes
Then off to see my Dad.
How difficult it is for me
He doesn’t  remember me.
Till I get home
It’s getting late
I have a empty stomach
Time to eat
A lil time to talk
To my Mom about my day.
A cup of hot chocolate
And my snuggie to relax me
And warm me up tonight.
I jump in bed and snuggle in
As my eyes close
That fast I’m  asleep.
I seldom dream
But if I dream
I wish for a tranquil dream.
A sleeping wish
Only for the peace and solitude
A restful  sleep can bring.
Lindsey ©  
  Bonus Poem  

That Special Time I Remember
There are times I like to get away, lost in the madness
of my thoughts, where all things are possible.
Through clouds of rich white fog searching for answers
looking for the right words to write, another poem.
In my dreams faces of many people come to me
some in tears, some laughing, some dead.
Reaching out to touch them, they disappear, feeling empty
I search for answers, other people, strangers.
Being alone can be difficult, heartaches manifest
days long gone, other times, other loves, other heartaches.
An old picture of you haunts me, a time when we were
young, exploring, youthful, harmoniously in love.
I touched you, you touched me, heat became pleasure
to two youngsters learning passion, lustfully wanting more.
Books, magazines, movies show only one side
remembering you, showing me all sides, of you, I remember.
Those days long gone, just a memory tucked away
some place in storage, some place, another thought.
Passion never escapes the thought of you,
old days gone but still a thought held tight, remembering.
That picture of us, holding each other, loving then
lost through many years, separated, time escaped us.
To turn back those hands if just for a moment,
only for the peace and solitude, loving you, remembering when.
LourdMoon © November 13, 2014


The Cantabile Music Floated Over US

Holy Music, Wholly
The Norbertines performed
The Gregorian Chant
At the Performing Arts Center
Sweeping us back to
The gothic cathedrals
Where the music provided the warmth
To fill the cavernous spaces
Reverberating off of the
Forty foot stained glass windows
Then swung us forward
The brothers and fathers
Carrying us on a carpet of joy
The cantabile music floated over us,
Under us, and
Through us
A true connection with
The divine.
Robert Lanphar ©

Musical Interlude
The music hall was full to capacity
In anticipation of the new conductors
Rendition of a brand new symphony
Written by a lad of twenty-six years
A young lad that toured with his dad
A violinist who traveled through Europe
Playing at the symphony halls
Where he heard, learned and absorbed
Various European musical idioms
A supremely talented pianist and composer
He began turning out one masterpiece after another
In every form and genre
As the curtains opened a silence settled
In the massive symphony hall
The conductor walked out on to the stage
To a rousing wave of applause
His baton held in the air… the musicians ready
I closed my eyes as the cantabile music
Floated over us as the serenade began
Lulling us all into a feeling of serenity
To this very day a sampling
of Mozart’s mature works comprise
a virtual honor roll of masterpieces
infusing  his form with a passion
and expressiveness unheard of
until Beethoven…………….
Kathy Lynn  ©
Directed By the Music
A walk into the rose garden
Allowed the beautiful  music to follow me
While couples waltzed
I just wanted to be alone
I sat near a fountain
With sparkling lights
The gentle sound of the water
Mixed with the music
Carried me away
Away from feeling left out
Not worthy a dance
Why did I even bother to come here
I heard “Hello”
And looked around to find you standing there
Dashing in your tuxedo
Eyes that twinkled
With a warm smile
I found my voice and introduce myself
He did the same
Then ask if he might sit with me
The conversation flowed
We laughed like old friends
And my heart was dancing the whole time
“Shall we dance?” he ask
Extending a hand to me
My smile with my hand in his was my answer
Through the rose garden we waltzed
Around and around the fountain
We were lost in each others eyes and arms
As the cantabile music floated over us
We knew it was leading us to love
Stella ©
How Sweet This Cantabile So Pure
So sweet this cantabile of my heart, music for royalty
through the night, Moonlight dances with stars, a serenade.
Angels play harps, sweet melodies enrich my dreams
a place where an orchestra plays lovingly, harmony in motion.
Like poetry in motion, across a rainbow of musical notes
not alone but set to one side for memory, a never forgotten love.
Over and over again though chambers of our mind, composers
rich with accent, intertwined, a song of true emotion.
Such sweetness in a stanza, violins, an owe bow, a variation
of thoughts composed in tempo flexible to music’s ear.
As hearts open to a composers imagination, at his piano
yet another tune to weave through his art so lovingly.
A cantabile movement to reach inward of the soul, declaring
such beauty in every movement, such peace of thought.
No Poet of words could compare to the sounds of a viola,
touched by grace, in an audience of heartfelt compassion, we love
The cantabile music floated over us as if gifted by the Gods of
ancient times, showing they are alive in such music.
Touching our hearts, Maestro conducts his work while
his orchestra maliciously shows humble power with every beat.
LourdMoon © November 01, 2014
That Night
That magical summer night was so very happy
After having spent the entire day together
Her and I in our own world
Enjoying each others company in the perfect weather
The board walk at the beach, the air so fresh
Feeling so alive, her loveliness sublime
These things we will always remember
As if we were both indeed made for this time
I won a teddy bear for her
She loved that bear
The smell of hot dogs permeated the air
Hand in hand we walked through the carnival
One arm wrapped around teddy right there
The barkers shouted out to see the bearded ladies
Or the Egyptian mummy
Or the dancing girls she would rather I not see
I said yes we should see this show it
 might be fun
But  to be truthful she is the only girl I really wanted for me
As evening drew near the band began playing
The cantabile music floated over us
And she started to sing along
That moment I knew that I wanted this girl with me
Forever and to this day we are together
Our love staying eternally strong
Dave ©
Fall Festival
The town park was crowded on this night
Every tree was dressed in colorful lights
Chairs and benches were all around
People smiling and laughing as they sat down
The fall festival always was a bit hit with the town
The gazebo would be full of musicians from all around
As they began to play the cantabile music floated over us all
Sweet and softly they continued to play welcoming the fall
The chorus singing with them added to the beautiful scene
The music was so wonderful I started to day dream
A sense of peace settled over the multitude that were here
After the songs they smiled and all cheered
Dreamy melodies softly played in the twilight of the day
Can bring peace and happiness listening as they play
Songs chosen for the approaching season of fall
Would bring back pleasant memories for us all
Justin ©
Sweetest sound
As I walked by
I heard the sound
The sweetest melody.
I stopped to listen
The sweetest sound
Fiddle diddle diddle diddle dee. . . . .
I turned around
As the crowd had grown
To listen to the sweet melody.
Such a sound
As the cantabile music floated over us
Fiddle diddle diddle diddle dee. . . . . .
I walked inside
The music room
I found the sweetest sound.
She softly glided
Her bow across
The silky violin strings.
Fiddle diddle diddle diddle dee. . . .
the sweetest sound I ever heard
From her bow and violin strings.
Bonus Poem
A New Pair Of Shoes
A new pair of shoes
is set neatly at the edge of the field
and which worker owns these?
My mind is full with the lush green
of the tall corn leaves
The stalks are strong
growing seeds of yellow gold
My eyes study the fine stitching
on the leather shoes
as someone sings in rough voice
The whistle sounds for rest
a young man strides through the field
His demeanor sturdy and set
he is strong, handsome almost to fault
the sun silhouetting
Laughing, half shouting, he declares
“my beautiful shoes are still here”
he pats the dust off them
and looks down at his muddy feet
he holds one shoe in each hand
The sun beats down on the road leading home
glistening hot, his bare feet shaping the dark earth

Prettyrednoose ©

” Literature Is Humanity Talking To Itself “

It can span the vast hollow,
Where you might never go
It transports the willing reader
To places they don’t know
It can spark imagination,
Can peak curiosity…
It un cages captive minds
And bound spirits, it can free.
It inspires kindred souls
It enraptures gentle hearts
Man’s destinies it maps,
Paths of life it oft recharts
It can nurture tiny inklings
It can foster true belief
It can stimulate the senses
Or give silent, safe relief
In its pages, dreams are born
Of that book upon the shelf
Literature is humanity…
Talking to itself!
Sandy Lee © 2014 Sandy lee (All rights reserved)
Literature Is Humanity Talking To Itself
Writers are artists
A good writer researches
Becomes intimate with the subject matter
Talks to readers from their heart
Since the advent of the written word
Readers were enthralled
Writers wrote about life
The lives of people
Either from creative minds
Or from real life
History and mystery
The human experience
Has always been worth sharing
Literature is humanity talking to itself.
Martha ©
Literature Is Humanity Talking To Itself
Books stacked on tables and chairs
Shelves overflowing with adventure
Romance, mystery, travel,
So many other avenues open to us
We are all kept informed of what is
Happening in our world .
How it affects us and others
Important columns of writing
By observant man and woman
Potent and deep writes
Some that make us smile
Others bringing tears to our eyes
And some bring utter joy and love
Literature is humanity talking to itself
Opening doors that we choose to either enter
Or pass on by without another thought
But the fact that it is out there is what is important
For knowledge makes us better in the end
Uncaring and not knowing must end
We all must listen to literature as it
Talks to us
Kathy Lynn ©
Writer’s Speak
Debbie writes about romance and love
The tears and laughter of romance
About that man and woman
Who are willing to take love’s chance
Karen writes about God’s love and faith
His tender mercies and His grace
About the power of prayers
And us seeking God’s face
Stephen writes on horror grim
Of things that give heart stopping fright
The unknown that grips with fear
Taking readers into the dark from the light
Fannie writes with humor’s delight
Laughter here and there
Points made with a joyful touch
Thought out with smiles and care
Amy writes of days gone by
Stories of her Appalachian home
Some fact , some fiction
But they are the best kind, home grown
Literature is humanity talking to itself
With hope that the reader feels better
Or learns from the work that is what the writer feels
Every sentence, every word, every letter
Stella ©
A Third of the Equation
There is a wealth of information
Available to fulfill
Any desired search whim…
Happy the wayward traveler
Who takes the time to read,
Question, masticate, the finer points
To a depth below the surface where
References begin to tease
Flavors from long dormant taste buds
Resulting in a full satisfying meal.
Literature is humanity talking to itself…
Making use of this wealth of material
Is the true demonstration of
An informed literati.
Robert Lanphar ©
There have been many things written about Salem Witches
1692, horror story after horror story, many lies.
In books, line after line, fright, mistrust, untruths tell
many fables about certain residents in this very small village.
Some chained in a dungeon, cold starving, dyeing,
Giles Cory pressed to death by heavy rocks, asphyxiation.
Others hung by a noose, dangling in the wind tried,
convicted, sentenced then murdered, senselessly, a real crime.
Lacking in trust, suspicious the town of Salem quiet,
friends of many years now scared, unknowing, sick.
Children passing rumors, Poppet’s given as gifts,
a needle and thread take on a new meaning, magical tools.
Church goers bowing their heads, no eye contact,
no, not even the minister who all was suspicious, and others.
Tituba a seventeenth century slave, accounted for,
a witch by nature, conjuring spirits no one else comprehends.
Now Gallows Hill, a place of ritual that remembers those
who lost their lives, innocent people practicing Earth rituals.
Tinctures, herbs, flowers, things, a skilled nurse in those days
was watched carefully, she does not bat an eye, providing a service.
Trials, shame, reputations shattered because they were educated,
folk medicine, healing, not witchcraft, not devil worshiping.
A local Sheriff serving warrants, innocent villagers scared to death
sleeping with one eye open, with a Bible, who might be next?
Through the ages very sad stories told, where is truth
when a trial made of scared idiots practiced in darkness, really?
There are several states that even today have not
stricken laws on witchcraft from their books, churches still scared.
Looking forward for acceptance for what they believe is easy,
history cannot be rewritten, 1692 was long ago, a long time ago.
Should we restudy the ramifications of those horrid trials,
we would find Literature is humanity talking to itself………….”
LourdMoon © October 30, 2014
Pass it on
It started with the town elder of the clan or tribe
History told in story for and described
When the teller of tales was to old or had passed on
Their place was often taken over by daughter or son
Yes, the things passed down and related to were important to all
This is the away it was done
Later humans discovered they could relate a story with paintings
On rocks and the walls of a cave
The hunt could be depicted by drawings and the animals hunted
This is the way the story was saved
Drawings later turned into the written word on bark
Or papyrus for all to read
History as well as yarns could be preserved
For these people to carry, they felt this need
Books scribed by pen or quill
Today printed giving all a thrill
Stories made now into movies all great
Yes, literature is humanity’s way of talking to itself
We never tired of experiences written down for a good book
Never too late
Dave ©
Literature Is Humanity Talking To Itself”
Do we care what’s said
Is dialogue wrong or is it right
Isn’t that what writing is all about
The human nature
We find out things about ourselves
Sometimes we see ourselves in a character in another
Maybe in subjunctive text
“Literature is humanity talking to itself”
This is what I believe
Don’t we say that if we write
We get the good, the bad, the ugly off our chests
That we feel at peace or appease ourselves
“Literature is humanity talking to itself”
Some people can talk and talk and talk
And not be bored
But I’m in my head
Maybe you should write a book
Maybe that’s your nook
If you know about cooking
Then perhaps write about that
If you know some history
Then please do write
A good mystery
They say that truth is stranger than fiction
Is where all the movie stories come from
Truth, real truth
“Literature is humanity talking to itself”
It can be feisty
It can be thirsty
It can be romantic
Follow your heart
It can be crazy
It can be hazy
It can be fantasy or ecstasy
It all depends on your moods
A flooding of memory
Where you once stood
“Literature is humanity talking to itself”
There are idiots out there
But there are smarts out there as well
So come on be swell
Take that pen and dip it into an ink well
Do your will
Do your might
Write, write, write
Susan ©
Literature is Humanity Talking to Itself
Literature teaches us that we can climb
All the mountains and forge all the rivers
Of this world with courage as it uplifts our
Hearts and souls.
In our meditations we can travel anywhere
We choose too. We can dance on clouds
Fly through the skies and land on velvet clouds
Our minds open and free to absorb what is written
Writers and poets dig down deep inside of themselves
To share their most secret inner feelings
Hoping to convey something they hope will enlighten
Our thoughts, hopes and dreams
In this day and age ignorance is unnecessary because of all
The information we have access too at our fingertips.
We can travel through time from its beginning to the
Present by simply reading.
Another’s views are read and pondered upon
Whether we agree or not is up to us
Everything is debatable and we have the
Opportunity to do so….with words…books
Literature is humanity talking to itself
Carrying on many different conversations
Which we all can choose to join and express
Ourselves and our feelings
Justin ©
Bonus Poem
Time Has A Way Of Healing
Endless time
No beginning
No end
But life is finite
We wonder at times
Where did we begin
Do not know if
Such a question is answerable
Never the less
We are here
Some will know only
Love and peace
Some are not as blessed
For them there is much pain
But we do not need to
Wear our pain like a badge
Time has a way of healing
If we allow it to
We may have been victimized
But we do not need to
Dwell the rest of our lives
As victims
We can choose to free ourselves
Make the transition
From victim to survivor
I made the choice
I am a survivor
I found my smile
I will never allow anyone
To take it from me.