Leprechaun’s Gold

Leprechaun’s Gold
Irish eyes see
The green of the emerald isle
Shines out of her eyes
And her heart
It is the spirit of the
Leprechauns’s gold
Tender and loving
Kind and caring
Gold is more just intrinsic
Gold can be about the heart
Some things are of more value
Then monetary wealth
Count your wealth in friends
Count you gold in attitude
Let the Leprechaun’s gold
Be found in your loving eyes
Let is shine out of your beautiful
Green Irish eyes.
Martha ©
Two Rainbows
It was a dark and dreary day
The rain came down in sheets
Thunder roared over the land
The clouds were dark and gray
Then suddenly the rain slowed down
And the gray clouds turned to white
I smiled as I looked out the door
It was going to be a perfect night
“Look, over there”, my friend said to me
I turned my head around to see
Out in the meadow to my delight
Where two rainbows , what a sight
I have seen rainbows before
But never two at once
First one came to bring us joy
And the other followed along
We all were overjoyed at the sight
The colors so beautiful to see
And then the conversations changed
It was about the Leprechauns Gold
We hoped to see
Laughing and running and shouting
With joy in our hearts
Out to the meadow we all ran
But where we thought the rainbow was
Was not really its end
So we never got to meet the Leprechaun
Nor see his pot of gold
But we did get to see
God’s beautiful double rainbow
Kathy Lynn ©
The Tale Of Sweet Lucy
Sweet Lucy went to Ireland
Or so the story goes
She was looking for a wee man
And his wee pot of gold
She looked in all the crannies
She looked in every crook
She looked high, she looked low
Everywhere she looked
Sweet Lucy in the city
A local cab she took
And even beneath the cab seats
Poor sweet Lucy looked and looked
Door to door, shop to shop
She was determined in her mind
That while here in Ireland
The rich wee man she’d find
She was getting rather tired
And the day was getting old
She still had found no wee man
With his pot of Leprechaun’s gold
Then suddenly she saw it
Right before eyes
A huge magnificent rainbow
Filling Ireland’s sky
She search and walked until she saw
Where it’s end might be
And there was the pot of gold
With a man so wee.
The pot of gold he gave to her
And waved to her goodbye
Then that little wee man
Vanished before her eyes
Sweet Lucy came home from Ireland
Or so the story told
Telling that a wee man gave her
The pot of leprechaun’s gold.
Stella ©
The Wearing Of The Green
We would all love to catch this little Irish fellow,
Who would surrender his gold
These tales have always intrigued us since we
Were wee tots, now grown old
That end of the rainbow where our fate
Would change our very lives and ways
Having and getting to keep these riches worth all
At least that is what our Irish grandmother says
But no tales is so filled with these charms
And they are quite lucky too
Of the Leprechaun’s gold, a tale that delights
Young and old, and brings
A smile to every one
Collecting shamrocks, the wearing of the green,
Pinching those that don’t
Always great fun
Yes to be in True for us that don’t there reside
To kiss the Blarney Stone to kiss an Irish lass
These are the thing I yearn for
Cause the Irish wear being Irish with great pride!
Dave ©
Wunderlust Part 15
“Tom are you about,” Sebastian said
‘ It’s time to be up and about”.
‘ Hello Sebastian’, said another Leprechauns that appeared before him.
“Tom, he went back to Ireland and I’m here
in his place. My name is Spryline”.
“Well it’s a great pleasure to meet you Spryline,”
he said as he shook her tiny hand.
“Look I have my pot of gold. It’s not real Leprechaun’s gold.
its just chocolate. Tom said it wouldn’t be safe”.
“No definitely not, he said.To me is quite right, to not have
real gold”.
“Would you like one”, she said as Sebastian thought he could
see a rainbow above her head.
” Look, there are other’s coming”, she said to Sebastian.
” Who are they.?”
” I do believe we have our little kittens three
come to see your Leprechaun’s gold. Will you give them a piece?”
“Oh yes,” she said jumping up and down
“They are so cute, what are they called?”
“There’s Purrskie, Purrsnow, and Purrsnip, isn’t that right?”
he said to them, “And Nick, is that you?”
” Yes, Sebastian, I had to keep them out of trouble.
They are everywhere and anywhere or so it seems.”
” Look, I have Leprechaun’s gold. I have Leprechaun’s gold”,
Spryline, kept on saying.
“Oh let me see”, a fairy that appeared out of nowhere said,
” Hi,” she said putting our her hand.” I’m Lemon Drop”
” Pleased to meet you”, Spryline said.
” Would you like some of my gold?Oh yes” she said,
as Sebastian brought out a pitcher of milk,
And they all shared the golden delicious chocolate
for many the hour
Susan ©
Wisdom Coins
I have been truly blessed
Given friends who have choiced
The sequence of next highs
Until their brains burned out
Ran out of choices
Given friends who have succumbed
To the ravages of illness where
Dependency upon others
Is only concern
Given friends who have given it all
To family, faith, causes
Given friends who have made poor choices
Only to suffer consequences
The coins of Leprechaun’s Gold
Have clanked
One by one over the decades
As they collected in the pot
To be pulled out as needed
Blessed lessons
Gathered for the journey
Robert Lanphar©
Leprechauns Gold
Twas’ on the early morn as I
Wandered on the moors
The heather was thick with dew
From the passing storm
And as the sun was waking up
With its bright and shining face
A rainbow appeared before me eyes
So to the spot I raced
Now in Ireland they say if you
Are lucky enough to find
The end of the rainbow
There will be leprechauns gold
At the end of the line
And lo and behold; much to my surprise
There was a wee small pot of gold
On the leprechauns lap
Twas’ quite a sight to behold
My tongue felt like it was made of cotton
As I looked on with surprise
I never believed that Irish legend
But found it had not been a lie
I bid the wee man a good morning
As he sat smoking his wee pipe
] He winked at me and nodded his head
“Sit down beside me lad”, he said
“So ye have come to claim my gold”
What will you do with it laddie?”
“I hope ye will use it wisely for
It means a lot to me.”
I pondered what would be a
Good use for such a find
But as I sat there with him
Nothing really came to mind
I really had enough of everything
That made my life quite happy
So maybe, I thought I could share it
With someone less fortunate then me
And so I told the wee man
My plan for the money
If he would surrender it to me
He seemed quite pleased
With a smile upon his face
He handed me the small pot of gold
And went about his way
So down the road to the valley school
I walked whistling happily
With my wee pot of gold
For the children who were in need

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

3 thoughts on “Leprechaun’s Gold


  2. ladycopperrose says:

    Poets your poem would make Irish eyes smile. Justin thank you.

  3. susan says:

    excellently done by all

    I did really like Robert’s


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