Within The Mind Dwells

Within The Mind Dwells
Within the mind dwells
Our autobiography
All our memories
All our pain
All our desires
All our loves
And hates
Our minds must work for us
They must decipher our ideas
Either abandon as useless
Or embrace as possibilities
Within the mind is every
Scientific forward leap humanity has made
Within the mind is the germination
Of every artistic master piece
Created by the hands of humanity
For some of us
Our minds work against the world
Those who hate
Cause war
Murder their fellow humans
Commit atrocities
In the name of their religion
In the name of their hatred
They do not care that we
Are all brothers and sisters
That we are one species
And that we are responsible
For this planet, our home
And the home of all the other species
We share it with.
Within the mind dwells
Our most sacred emotion
Let it show itself in the way
We treat our fellow humans
And in the humane treatment
Of those we share our home with.
Martha ©
Just A Dream
Nectar’s taste from your lips
Gentle touch of your finger tips
Arms that embraced me strong and tight
Beneath a million stars at night
Fingers tangled in my hair
Loving away the night’s long hours
Two hearts beating as one
Awakened by the morning sun
Soft music that filled our room
As we danced in the light of the moon
Passionate words whispered in my ear
Those tender moments so precious and dear
My heart in your hands your heart in mine
A love between us to last for all time
This never happened this story I tell
It’s just a dream that within the mind dwells.
Stella ©
Within The Mind Dwells
Within the mind dwells all sorts of calls
Do I answer them, I don’t know
Within the mind dwells, will I get a swelled head
Or something else to dread with my daily bread
Within the mind dwells, falling along the way
I can’t rightly say
Within the mind dwells good and bad
Happy and sad flicks and flacks, fricks and fracks
Within the mind dwells yes, no, maybe so
Dreams and screams and nightmares
All sorts of good thoughts
That are sought out to find out what they all mean
Susan ©
Within The Mind Dwells
The mind dwells
Youthful thoughts
That can help solve
The worlds problems
And make many dreams
Come true
Within the mind dwells
A sea full of fish
To stop hunger
Throughout the world
Within the mind dwells
Fresh water wells
For drinking water
For those whom thirst
In the driest lands
With in the mind dwells
These thoughts these solutions
One can never tell
With In The Mind Dwells
Jim Smith ©
Mysteries of A mind

Thoughts, strategies and dreams
With racing or peaceful pacing
sometimes it seems
Within the mind dwells
Complexities we can not comprehend
A lifetime of memories,
Mixed with facts and fears
Laughter and solace mixed with tears
All those pent up emotions,
Kept locked up through the years.
The mystery of the mind I believe
Shall never be completely clear.

June ©
Within The Mind Dwells
As if some master controller
An army of Lego manipulators
Could fashion a semblance of my waking mind or
The good Doctor Jung could even articulate
His vivid dreams in a context digestible by common folk.
Tennyson bounded the poet’s mind:
Vex not thou the poet’s mind
With thy shallow wit:
Vex not thou the poet’s mind;
For thou canst not fathom it.
Clear and bright it should be ever,
Flowing like a crystal river;
Bright as light, and clear as wind.
One of my friends, a psychologist,
Has a brain malady where
She drifts away from task
Aware but not connected and
Knowing she has slipped again;
Powerful psychotic drugs stem the onslaught
A time bomb tick, tick, ticking…
One of my friends a college genius
Followed the course from steroids
To marihuana to meth to heroine
To cold turkey to mind snap
To the skids along the Santa Ana River
His manifesto preciously laid out
With golf pencil on twenty feet of toilet paper
His most precious possession
Gifted to me as one who would understand.
Elders I visit
With no time
With no help
With no focus
With limited abilities
As dreams persist and persist
Current research
The mind as body distributed,
An integration of the chakras
A new world vision
A collective of
Members’ shared memories
A distributed mind
Able to navigate to places
Greater than the sum
A Dance of
Encouragement from wallflower to line
Within The Mind Dwells
My Red Book
A dance sensuously vivid
A step, step, step, slide
On and on
James 4:14
I am but a puff of smoke
Visible for a while and
Then disappears.
Tempus fugit
Memento mori.
Robert Lanphar ©
Of the Mind
Within the mind one can imagine
A land of wonder, where there is no king.
Where breezes sing and lightly cause
Trees to whisper and birds sweetly sing.
The clouds paint the sky with cotton puffs
And the mind wanders to “what if’s and buts.”
Oh wonderland the mind does hold
Make it as one wishes, gently sweet or brazen bold!
Entertain ones self or share with a child
Within the mind you are sculptor, you the wild.
Displaying fanned peacock or sensual form
Undulating flesh that burns unadorned.
To live in fantasy to dwell there a while
Where the mind takes us, no path is known
We wander at will no trek too wild
Gather dark and doom, gather sun and smile.
Might I be the finest grains of desert
Which cling to feet as you walk the sands.
In my mind I am the kiss of salty spray
You taste me on your lips, where wet I lay.
And when the moon touches your inner self
Your eyes close to inhale the musty earth smells
Memories lay within the mind over age and time
When sight leaves and only thoughts combine.
Remember laughter, remember tears,
All stored deep over many years.
Notes of inspiration scattered in the brain,
The songs we hum in haunting refrains.
Not common our path, dust clings to our feet,
Clings to our mind within and it’s memory bank.
When dreams invade while we sleep deep,
Nothing’s lost, stored within the mind, all we keep.
Somefilly /Samantha ©
Within The Mind Dwells
I have wondered each and every day
How a person can be led so far astray
That he takes a small child by the hand
And hurts that baby ….I will never understand
I sit and listen to them talk to me
With tears in there eyes they think I don’t see
How they are trying to manipulate me into thinking
That it was the fault of all their drinking
I cringe in my chair and try to hang on to my sanity
Because I just can’t believe their insanity
That I cant see within the mind that dwells
The fear of them going to jail
Within the mind dwells evil in a lot of people
The young suffer and wives do too
But there are people…like me and you
That these innocent ones can come too
Within my mind I have to keep my faith strong
Keep my ideals and not give in to their wickedness
Trying my best to help those in need
That is the only way I can succeed
Kathy Lynn ©

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

3 thoughts on “Within The Mind Dwells

  1. Sandy says:

    Great Job!… Lovely poems, as always…

  2. ladycopperrose says:

    Justin you amaze me with the phrases you come up with for this and you poets never fail to do fantastic writes on each phrase

  3. palacepoetsblog says:

    Amazing work by such talented poets. thank you for coming to Palace and sharing.

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