The Smallest Tear

The Smallest Tear
The smallest tear
Erodes my salt encrusted tear ducts
My good friend, fellow Knight
John O’ Donnell will miss the Irish Wake
His adroit criticism fired at all actors
A regular anticipated happening
We considered briefly renaming
The coffin interred actor
I passed on it choosing to fire
Criticism from the bar
At all comers
John would appreciate the irony
Demonstrating the true spirit of
The Wake.
The smallest tear
Continues its way
Along channels crafted
Carefully over years.
As I raise one last pint
Toasting my Scotsman friend
I remember John’s sage blessing:
May your home always be too small
To hold all your friends.
Robert Lanphar ©
The Smallest Tear
The smallest tear would I shed
When I lost you
I can’t let anyone
Know that I had feelings
The smallest tear that tore me apart
My world I wanted to end
To drive me to another bend in the road
Where the world wouldn’t see
The smallest tear I fear it’s a loss for me
But I want to be the boss of my feelings again
Would I ever get up the courage to love again
The smallest tear is meant for you
But yet I must shed it under a darkened night
The smallest tear it wasn’t meant to be
But, I can’t help but wonder
If it could have been mended
With a mention from another
The smallest tear my eyes are glistening now
And I must stop this write
To put it all right again
And my feelings to be my own
Susan ©
The Smallest Tear
The angels watch from heaven above
Helping those that they truly love
Every time the smallest tear should fall

Sometimes they will come and kiss a cheek
Maybe whisper their love to those that are meek
Always there when tragedy should come to call
Lending their hands to one and all
Letting them take a gentle fall
Every day angels come to pray
Stopping in to see us along the way
Testament to show their love
Tenderly they will answer every call
Eyes bright with unfailing love
And when the day is over and done
Return back to heaven and God above
Reality’s Truth
Tried so hard for so long
Hurt just kept repeating
Eventually numbness came
Sadness conquered any happiness left
Memories of the used to be faded
Answers were not be found to my questions
Loneliness was a drowning pool
Love I wondered ever existed
Everything I questioned over and over
So many why’s and why not’s
Time never changed it
Trust was taken never to return
Erasing all this was not possible
Always it would be imprinted on me
Releasing the smallest tear lead to a cascade from my eyes
Stella ©
The Smallest Tear
The smallest tear like crying
I almost felt like dying
She wears a black dress
It’s awful the tears shed
Many dread The death
Of a well known friend
The smallest tear like crying
Inside I was dying
Moment by moment
I could not move
Emotionally spent
I weep the whole day through
I will never hear her dear words again
I will love you the same in Spring and Summer
As I did in Fall and Winter
The clock spins round and round
Time stops for no one
The smallest tear we must carry on
Make up some new Love Songs
For all of us to hold on.
Jim Smith ©
A Parent’s love
A Parent’s love
Strongest love
Her child very sick.
A Parent’s love
Her love a strength
To give comfort to me.
A parent’s love
She showed no fear
So not to frighten me.
A parent’s love
She watched me heal
Relief upon her face.
Then in her eyes
The smallest tear,like crying
Her relief.
A parent’s love
The strongest love
Her strength she gave to me.
Lindsey ©
She was quiet
No one ever knew
What she was thinking
She was too afraid
To ever share her thoughts
No matter how she tried
She was always perceived as wrong
She was a bad girl
The bad seed
She never fought back
She just accepted the torment
Just as she accepted blame
For everyone’s mistakes
But there were those times
When she was all alone
Her mind would wrestle
With all her misery
She wondered what it was like
To be loved
To be happy
As the smallest tear
Trickled out of her green eyes
Martha ©
The Smallest Tear

Etched in the silence, recessed so smooth
From ear to the violence, of nights mellow mood
Ringing with dried lips, your words in the air
Baring the layered high note of the smallest tear
As it falls on the flood water that recedes as the storm
Gassed out and plied once, belongings out the door
Frogs frightfully amplified , moisture is now home
A mist that divides the civilized from no home
Though nature has buttressed its family
Ours is here but alone
Themes of creation echo hollowly in destructions, heaven grown

Jason ©
To All the Broken Hearted
To all the broken hearted whose love has unfortunately departed
Through all the hours spent pining and all the deep devotion
All the pain in an empty heart, even the smallest of tears
collectively can fill an ocean
Pinning all your hopes and dreams on a love you thought would
Now only memories, not really enough to fill the void, no future
only past
Acquaintances all say love will come another day this does not
soothe or make things even closely right
Now faced with the gloom and despair all hope seems lost all
dread the night
Let there be hope and if love comes again know that good make it
A life not moving stagnates and becomes useless just believe let
your heart go
Dave ©
The Smallest Tear
I lost all the sweet feelings once held inside
All the words I waited for you to say
Remained closed in silence,you held at bay.
I watched you, searching for love in your eyes
The times I spoke true, you never replied
I felt the smallest tear in my heart, emotions enclaved
And your unsaid words, I waited, I craved
Day after day my feelings you denied.
Little by little the small tear ripped more
As my heart opened to reveal
Bleeding hurt no longer concealed.
I lost me and I lost you today.
Emotions swim through a red sea of blindness
No one sees and no one knows
The years I gave as nothingness shows
Love denied seeks warm solace
I want to cry out and breathe it all in
No words of kindness from your heart
False was your intent from the start!
Cold is your heart, cold is your skin!
The widening rip I bear, the tear I clasp to stay
The rift I try to close as emotions flee
Inner silence I keep of me.
Now closed inside, hidden away.
When that special someone discovers, and love finds me.
Somefilly / Samantha ©

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

3 thoughts on “The Smallest Tear

  1. June Meilahn says:

    These were all beautiful, heartfelt poems, I feel inspired to write on this so

  2. Wonderfull done poets.

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