“Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift that is why it is called the present”

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift,
that is why it is called the present.”
Yesterday was a horror
Until I met the one who rescued me
Changed my life
And taught me how to love
And how to accept being loved
The future truly is a mystery
I do know that at my age
I am not long for this world
I have made my peace
Now I live in the present
Cherish each day I am alive
And realize that
“Every morning I wake up alive
Is an excellent day.”
How blessed I am
Never allow yourself to forget
All the beautiful things
Your life is filled with
Martha ©
Life Woven
Yesterday I did what the day called for
Accepted what was offered
Embraced each moment
Accomplished all I could
Made some small memory of the day
Then filed it away in my heart
Turned the page
Now yesterday is history
Now the mystery of tomorrow awaits me
What will it hold
What will it offer me
What memory will I make
Will I accomplish things
Meet and make a new friend
Make a wonderful discovery
I have no clue, no inkling.
Today has been given to me
A gift, that is why it is called the present
Today never comes for many
So I will take this gift to be in the present
Do all I can
Love with all that is in me
Give and expect nothing in return
Cry if I need to
Smile and laugh
Drink in the day
Look for rainbows
Dance in the sun
And live each second to it’s fullest
There is no certainty in this gift
Another chance to be in the present
Will be given again
These four things
Yesterday, tomorrow, today, the present
Is how we get life woven
For truly Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift
That’s why it is called the present.
Stella ©
Today as Gift
Responsibility to use well
Our future, maybe
Our past, lessons for the journey
Each blessed dream a blank canvas
A fractal seed placed in the corner
A historical notion experienced
Then hold on for the ride
As expansion keeps up with
Billions of neurons firing
Pleading for meaningful connection
As time, space, facts
Are folded and quickly unfolded
As an Origami Finger Fortune Teller.
I wake with a start
As the final flap unfolds…
My dream often makes up
For a day’s failure
Blossoming into a beautiful flower of
A new day’s opportunity.
Robert Lanphar ©
What Is Real
So many things in life’s paths for us to follow,
We choose
Some ways bring great fortune not only monetarily but in love
We’ll never loose
We may really adore the latest sports star or singer
both girl or guy
What is important to you is indeed important
only you really know the reason why
But I think the most important is the here and now
of course not forgetting the past and how we got here
The best moments we select from yesterday and today
that can be very clear
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift
that is why it is called the present.
You may want things more evil in your life although I cannot
say certain why you would disdain love
harbor hate or of the good resent
So if you choose the path of the unholy
then all my good or pure words are not for you
But then again it is up to you
and how this world you view
Dave ©
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Yesterday is history
It’s still a mystery
Yes, we can all agree on that
But, one person’s perception
Might not be what another remembers
Tomorrow is yet another mystery
You never know what you’re going
To get, you can plan
But yet things could go wrong,
But when you think about it
It’s never really coming at all…
Tomorrow will always be a day away
To quote a great song
Today is a gift
That should be lived
To the fullest
Take a walk
Smell the flowers
If they are available
Talk to someone
Say hi and smile
To a person on the street
You could make their day
Give them a gift
That maybe someone out there cares
And wants to share
Today, tomorrow, yesterday
We all want to live up to it’s perception
But, we can never really do that
The past is gone, live as best
As you can with it
The future will always be there
Plan for it but not too far
Because it’s the future but nurture it
Today is today
Enjoy, enjoy and least of all enjoy
Don’t dwell on it too much
Because things can go wrong
Susan ©
Yesterday is history we cannot go back
So why worry about it …we cannot change it
Getting upset about something you have
No control of is useless…and only causes stress
Tomorrow will bring it’s own new joys and sorrows
So why get all worked up and unhappy over that
Face tomorrow with a smile on your face and an
Open and cheerful heart…that is the right way to start
Today is a special gift…for each one of us
To treasure and share…grab hold and hang on
Do something exciting if you dare
Open up your mind and let the days wonders’
Seep in and take root and grow
Until the joy and happiness you feel overflows
Live in the present for each day you make your way
To fulfill your destiny …whatever that may be
Enjoy your life…fill it with love and caring
Open up yourself and do something daring
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery
Today is a gift that is why it is called the present
How very true this is and we all should take heed
Do not be a follower…get in there and lead!
Justin ©

About ladycopperrose

I am a female poet and writer. I enjoy writing poetry, fiction and no fiction stories and children's stories.

2 thoughts on ““Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift that is why it is called the present”

  1. This is absolutely beautiful stel. what a great job you did putting tn the poems in the blog and the picture is perfect for the topic.
    All the poems are wonderful and the participation is overwhelming.
    Thank you poets for making this blog so good.


  2. susan says:

    i agree justin…


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